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ミャンマーの地図 & 鉱山

Burma map and Photos from the mines around Mogok

For a more detailed view of the mines around Mogok please zoom in by using the navigation left side on the top.

Photos from the mines around Mogok


Thu Rein Taung mine

Photos from Mogok
Photos from Thu Reing Taung (Thu Rain Thaung) mine

Ohn Bin Yee Htwet mine

Pyan Gyi mine

Ohn Bin Htwet mine
Pyan Gyi mine

Wetloo (Wet Luu) mine

Ohn Gaing mine

Wet Luu (Wetloo) mine
Ohn Gaing mine



Baw Lone Gyi mine

Bon Gaung mine

Baw Lone Gyi mine
Bon Gaung mine

Baw Maw (Boma) village

other mines

Baw Maw (Boma) village
other mines Mogok Stone Tract
